کمک پاپ به میسیونرهای لازارسیت ( در ایران پس از جنگ اول جهانی )

عنوان مقاله [English]

Pop’s Help to Lazarist Missionaries (After the First World War in Iran)

نویسنده [English]

  • hosein ahmadi
چکیده [English]

The French Lazarist missionaries and other religious groups from Russia and England came to Iran after the first group of American religious missionaries’ arrival in August, 1834 and began their work among the Iranian Christian. After the First World War, Semetic, the Pop’s represen­tative came to Tabriz in 1303H./ December of 1924 for researching about the Catholic residents in Iran. This article is a brief report about the efforts of Pop’s representative and his success in the establishment of religious schools in Iran.