عنوان مقاله [English]
نویسنده [English]
Shabnameh is one of the information systems emerged by constitutional revolution in Iran.It was a critical night letters and papers including the secret and political issues published with unanimous characters.پShabnamehs were different in terms of names and titles and distributed by secret associations and communities and literate characters in public places such as important passage ways religious and official places.پThe main theme of these informative letters or reports was Islam, revolutionary charaeters, clergies, literate persons and the critics regarding the king.This paper highlights the role of these media system in Ghajarid period,In that period of time Bakhtiarian were involved in diversity of opinions, in one side with two neighboring Arab and Qashqaei and in the other side with the discrepancy of their own chiefs of tribes.Sardar Asaad Khan and other constitutionalist Bakhtiarian Khans firstly drew up an agreement with Shaykh Khazal (Chief of Arab Tribes in Khozestan Province) and Soulatoldouleh Qashqaei then tried to unify the Bakhtiarian people on the constitutional movement.The constitutionalist Sardar Asaad was struggling to unify the sons of Haji llkhani especially Lotfali khan Amir Moffakham and Nasirkhan - commander of army who were in side of Mohammad Ali Shah.The opposition between Sardar Asaad , his brothers and the sons of Haji llkhani was nearly culminating to a local war but Asaad’s sobriety and awareness of the llkhani’s sons such as Sardar Mohtasham led to arranging an agreement on supporting of the constitutionalism.According to this agreement the benefit of constitutional succession should be divided between these two political sides