Recruitment at the Astan Qods Razavi during the Safavid era

Document Type : Research Paper



Purpose: The paper explains conditions, regulations, and procedures for recruitment at the shrine of the 8th Shia Imam in Mashhad during Safavid era. It also discusses the role of the central government and influence of the shrine custodians in this regard.
Research Method/Approach: Data has been extracted from archival documents.
Findings and Conclusion: AQR benefited from a well-designed system of recruitment. Entering the organization required the meeting of certain criteria. The number of the staff and salaries were specified. When an individual was laid off or resigned, another person was recruited. In some instances the custodian and the high ranking officials influenced the process of recruitment. However, it was a disciplined and systematic process. The king issued the decree for appointment.


Main Subjects

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 شاردن،جان(1374).سفرنامه شاردن(ج3).(اقبال یغمایی،مترجم). تهران:توس
شهیدی،حمیده (1391) طرح پژوهشی: گزیده پروانچه ها،ارقام و تعلیقچه های آستان قدس رضوی در دوره صفویه: مصوب سازمان کتابخانه ها،  موزه ها و مرکز اسناد آستان قدس،مشهد(درمرحله نشر).
 شهیدی،حمیده(1387) . دارالشفاء آستان قدس رضوی در دوره صفویه. دفتراسناد، ج4، ص102-69
سازمان کتابخانه ها، موزه ها و مرکز اسناد آستان قدس رضوی(ساکماق) اسناد شماره 27625 ،ص5؛    28525؛    28526؛28531 ؛ 28528؛ 28536؛28537؛ 28555؛28594،صص1و2وو6و9و10و11و15و16و17و  18؛ 28615؛ 28717؛ 28723؛ 29139؛ 29141؛  29142؛  29145؛  29150؛  29158؛ 30435 ،صص1و2؛  31899،صص6و7؛  31922؛ 32262 ،ص18؛ 32343،ص2؛ 32751 ،ص7؛  32960 ،ص3؛  32987،ص15؛  33380 ،صص5و7؛33382 ،صص 1و2 و8؛   33466 ،ص3؛  34313؛  34457؛ 34512؛ 34571؛  34712 ،صص5و6؛  34751 ،صص3و7؛  35079،صص3و4 و5و6و8و9و11و13و14؛  35281 ،صص1و2و3و19؛  35361؛  44933،ص1و2و9و14؛ 44997؛ 45048....