A record on Ottoman Sultan reaction towards georgia’s incorporation to Russia, 1198 Lunar Year



Before Qajars takeover, among other important events, was an announcement made by Georgia’s governor, Arakli Khan, about shifting Georgians citizenship from Iranian to Rus­sian, which was the root cause of protracted wars between Iran and Russia throughout Qajars tenure, ultimately led to Golistan and Turkmanchai accords. At the same time, vari­ous researches were made about the event, particularly the reaction of Iranian people to­ward the Georgian ruler declaration. However, there has been no record depicting the re­sponse of the Ottoman Empire .This was an intro to the major discussion about Ottoman Empire policy in the Caucasus region at the same epoch. The article brings forth a decree from Ottoman King, Sultan Abdul Hamid II to Tabriz governor, Khoda Dad Khan, in protest of Georgia-Russia agree­ment, inciting Muslims across the region to go against the accord.


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