The Causes and Consequences of the Lack of Governmental Records from Early Islamic Centuries

Document Type : Research Paper



Purpose: The aim of this research is to study the historical factors causing the loss of governmental records related to early Islamic centuries and to analyze the consequences of this issue for the research done on this era.          
Methodology / Approach: The present research uses the descriptive-analytical method and is carried out based on library and archival resources.
findings: The findings illustrate that the following factors have caused the loss of records in the early Islamic centuries: Total lack of archival institutions, lack of attention to governmental records as a source of historical information, intentional destruction of records, lack of attention to documents remaining from previous eras and governments, civil wars and uprisings throughout the Islamic World, devastating military attacks of foreigners to Muslim lands, having state-run and political bodies protecting governmental records, instability of Islamic governments, lack of proper facilities, and natural disasters.
Conclusion: The theories, reasoning and judgments of scholars about different issues relating to the era in question have been severely affected by these factors. Therefore, this study highlights the importance and necessity of the collection, preservation and maintenance of the present administrative records for the use of future generations. 
